Family Ministries
We have a simple goal: to provide a safe, secure, happy and loving environment for your children. In doing so, we know that our caregivers are exhibiting the love of Jesus Christ to you and to your children. The church nursery is open on Sunday mornings from 9:00 a.m. through worship. During nursery hours your children (6 weeks – 5 years) are in the care of a carefully chosen nursery attendant. During that time, you may feel worry-free to attend Sunday School class and worship service.
Junior Church and Children’s Sermon
During each service, all children are invited to come to the front for a talk with the children’s sermon leader. After the Children’s Sermon, children in grades preschool through 4th, may go to Junior Church for the remainder of the hour. Here children will learn more of God’s word through games, crafts, and discussion. Junior Church is led by volunteers from the congregation who serve on a rotating basis.
Student Ministries
First Presbyterian Church Student Ministries of Marietta is a group of middle school, high school, and college students that meet weekly to discuss faith, life, and Jesus. We are always searching for new ways to be active members of our communities, and hope to find ways to better connect the MOV to the Gospel of Christ.
Our Youth Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Sunday from 1-3PM in the Senior High Room following worship. We use this time to hangout, play games, eat, and study the Bible. This class is open to all students in 6th through 12th grade.
We also have a High School and College Class that meets on the 2nd and 4th Sunday from 7-8:30PM at the local Tim Horton’s in Marietta. This space is designed to ask the tougher questions and to be open to new ideas and differing opinions.
Our goal at FPC Student Ministry is to create a welcome, affirming, and inclusive space. We truly believe that all are welcome here and we hope that you will join us!