The Presbyterian Church (USA) recognizes two sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
“Wherever the Scriptures are read and proclaimed and the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are celebrated, the Church bears witness to Jesus Christ, the living Word, and proclaims the mystery of faith. Through these means of grace, God imparts and sustains our faith, orders our common life, and transforms the world.”
-The Book of Order, PC(USA)
We baptize both children and adults, although we only baptize once and recognize the baptisms of other Christian traditions.
The Lord’s Supper is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month and a few other key days in the church year. All are welcome at our table. We use grape juice for our communion so all may participate.We partake in the Lord’s Supper in two ways.
Those distributing communion bring trays of bread and juice in cups to those seated in the pews. The trays are passed, the bread first and then the juice. Those participating are asked to take and eat the bread and hold the cup of juice until the end when all can share the cup of Christ together.
As you pass the trays of bread you can share the words, “The body of Christ broken for you.” As you pass the tray of juice, you can share the words, “The blood of Christ shed for you.” A common response to these is, “Praise be to God!”
On “Intinction Sundays” participants are invited to come forward, take a piece of bread from a tray, dip it in the juice, eat it, and then return to their seats. The servers will come to anyone who is physically unable to come forward. The servers will often share the words “The body of Christ broken for you” and “The blood of Christ shed for you.” Participants will often respond, “Praise be to God!”