Worship Style
Our worship service is a traditional service with some contemporary elements. On most Sundays, the Bible texts are from the Revised Common Lectionary. This Lectionary is a set of passages that major denominations have agreed to use that cover the church calendar and highlight the major themes of the Bible. We encourage congregational participation in worship by the use of responsive readings, prayers, and confessions of faith. Each Sunday the pastor and a worship leader guide us through the service.
The worship service is relaxed and friendly. We “pass the peace” in our service. This is a time in the service where the congregation is encouraged to move from their seats and extend the Peace of Christ to one another. Newcomers are welcomed, but not called out in any way. We simply invite them to leave us their contact information if they would like.
Congregational singing is drawn from traditional hymns with a few favorite contemporary numbers. Our dedicated Chancel Choir sings weekly from September through June, focusing on classical and contemporary pieces. Our Westminster Bell Choir plays once a month and often accompanies the hymns sung on that Sunday. We have a music ensemble, Glorify! which accompanies the youth and shares other contemporary music pieces. The PresbyPraise choir composed of elementary and younger children shares enthusiastic singing twice a month. In the summer when our regular choirs are on a break, we invite a wide variety of musicians to bless us with their gifts.
Large print Sunday Bulletins with large print hymns are available just before entering our Sanctuary. Assistive hearing devices are available at the table near the Fourth Street entrance. If you are unable to find them, please ask an usher.