Matthew 3:13-17 God's message to Jesus that he was beloved and that God was pleased is the same message God has for us. We are beloved by God. Consider how we would treat ourselves and others if we believed that God loves us in this way. We might needlessly criticize ourselves less and be much more positive with others. And when we would be much braver about addressing sin in our lives.
Read MoreMatthew 2:1-12 We like to think of ourselves as children of God, but often don't want to accept those who look, act, think, or believe differently than we do. The magi search for and finding of the Christ child shows that God includes all humanity as children. There is room for everyone to come and offer their gifts to Christ.
Read MoreRomans 1:1-7 Thanks to the incarnation we have been given the gifts we need to live fully. We are God's beloved. We have been given God's unmerited favor (grace). We are invited and empowered to share that love and grace with others. This gives us what we need to be peacemakers in our strife torn world. God's entry into the world, means we can live!
Read MoreIsaiah 35:1-10 , Luke 1:46b-55, James 5:7-10, Matthew 11:2-11 Jesus came to show how God is changing the world for the sake of the poor and the oppressed. When God brings change, joy also comes. The magi turned their lives upside to follow a star and found joy. The shepherds waited patiently and found joy when they met a savior who was very life them. Mary found joy when she accepted the role God gave her. When we experience joy, we can make it grow by sharing it.
Read MoreIsaiah 2:1-5 and Romans 13:11-14 Everyone in Jesus' time yearned for peace. And individuals carried their own hopes. We too have common hopes and our own hopes. Finding hope can happen when we take on Christ's character and habits. When we seek to help others who are despairing, hope grows in our own hearts. (Please note there is one error in this sermon. When I preached it, I incorrectly identified John the Baptist's father. John's father was Zechariah. The sermons notes are correct.)
Read MoreColossians 1:11-20 The power of God was active in Christ when he suffered the crucifixion. The same power is active in the church and in the lives of believes and to others to help others overcome suffering and bring justice.
Read MoreLuke 21:5-19 Jesus words about war, upheavals and persecution of people of faith are challenging. Even if we don't experience this, we still have the challenge of living faithfully in our socially and politically turbulent times. And we are still called to witness by loving one another in the church. Jesus promised to be with us in all circumstances.
Read MoreIsaiah 65:1-11 and Job 19. God calls us to dream the impossible. God invites to the work of creating the peaceable kingdom. This calling means the church will always challenges of stewardship of our time, talent, and treasure. With God's help we can step forward and sacrificially answer this call.
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